4 Reasons Why You Will Enjoy Mac OS X Lion

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in Apple

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If you are an Apple user, you will enjoy using your Macintosh already. The latest operating system is available, as long as you have the right computer to handle the weight of the operating system. There were a few bugs at the beginning, and they seem to have been sorted out very fast. While Apple is still not, and probably not going to be, the computer to be used widely in business, because the majority of business computers still need a Windows terminal emulator as a part of their network support, for example. There are a growing number of Apple users in the market. Here is a look at some of the more fun and practical reasons why you will enjoy Mac OS X Lion.

Mac OSX Lion

[via Flickr]


Computer support for the launch of the Mac OS X Lion has been huge. If you have a problem, there is an answer online. There is nothing worse than not knowing what is wrong with your computer. This is certainly not the case with Lion. I purchased the operating system online, and did find a few problems at the beginning. All my questions were answered online. The operating system has already updated itself very fast, and those bugs have disappeared. If you cannot find the support online, there is always an Apple approved Apple repairs provider available because Apple has become so popular.

Reboot and Clean Up

Another amazing feature about Mac OS X Lion is that it includes an operating system disk partition on your computer during installation. This means if you do have a problem, you will not need to use the original disk to boot from, and then do any repairs, because you already have that as a part of the operating system. Looking for those boot disks 6 months after you purchased is something we have all gone through.

iOS Like Features

For those of us who are used to the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, additional features in Mac OS X Lion make it much easier to use. Instead of just having the traditional desktop, we can use our Macbook with Lion like it is an iPhone. We can wipe, swipe and do many other actions with our mouse pad, just like we do with our iPhone or iPad. This is excellent integration for those of use who are more used to the iPhone an iPad than other Mac devices.

Mac Lion OSX

[via Flickr]

Hidden Features

Getting to know all the new features of Mac OS X Lion will take some time. The obvious ones such as opening multiple desktops and getting to know how different types of swipes will affect what happens on your machine will not take long. It is worth watching the full introductory video, and reading the manual, because there is a whole lot more. Further to that, there are even more hidden features. Search these out on the internet yourself.


Apple computers are not for everyone. They are still lagging behind in business because of the special needs (particularly computer network support) that many businesses need, especially the older and larger corporations. At the same time, Mac OS X Lion is very practical, smooth and easy to use.

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