5 Common Myths About Blogging

by Mahesh Kukreja · 1 comment

in Blogging Tips, Tricks

Blogging has become the integral part of the web. Through blogging we share content, information, knowledge, views with everyone in the world. It has become the important source for providing updated news and information and also a major source of income too. Through continuous writing on blogs, one also becomes popular among online users. Although online competition in blogging is very high but still the blogger providing original and useful content in his blog will definitely get the attention of the readers.

Common Myths about Blogging

But there are some myths about blogging prevailing among the internet users community.

So let’s start searching the truth behind the blogging. Following are Five Common Myths about blogging:

Myth 1:  Blogging is very Easy

This is the greatest myth that one can have. The statement “Blogging is very easy” seems the fact that anyone on the internet can write and publish the content. But Blogging is not just about writing the content, but much more than that. The real value of the blog comes from the online community that it have. For that you need to research a lot and sharing your views, thoughts, ideas, knowledge with others. To write something that will be useful and informative for others can take time, so it’s not that easy.

Myth 2:  Blogging can be done only by those who can write well

Blogging is an independent style of writing. It completely depends on individual choice, there is no restriction, you can write anything that you like.  Blogging is about sharing, conversing with your viewers; writing about something that you want to share with your readers.

Myth 3:  Every blog post must need to be 400 words.

This is the biggest misconception that you have to write 400-500 words to post in your blog. Nobody cares how long your article is, they care how informative your article is. Your article should be understandable by your readers, no matters it is of one sentence or of 1000 words, the main concern is that it should be described properly that whatever you want to convey through it, it should properly and in simple words present that to your blog followers.

Myth 4:  Making Money is very easy through Blogging

Many people get influence by other blogger’s success stories about making money through blogging and start thinking they can also earn from blogging. But it’s not that easy. One must need to understand that blogging involves lot of work; only creating a blog is not enough. One has to work for hours to make it popular and able to earn money from it. It is just like a full time job.

Myth 5:  I will lose my viewers if they disagree with my views

This can happen in extreme cases. Normally some bloggers write about sensitive topics which get lot of reactions from the readers in response; this is known as link bait. By attracting the attention of the online user they are actually try to get backlinks from other blogs. Normally saying something by which reader doesn’t agree; is not a case that they will stop viewing your blog posts.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Miftah October 15, 2011 at 3:33 pm

I think, blogging is the same as any other activity. success depends on the initial motivation when it will do so. takes hard work and seriousness


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