5 Reasons Aside From SEO That Link Building is Valuable

by Mahesh Kukreja · 4 comments

in Link Building

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Link Building is a strategy that does more than increase rank with search engine spiders, it attracts visitors. Maintaining quality content helps retain them. Good linking tactics also result in increased sales for sites that offer a product or service. There are already many reliable SEO services solutions available in market which can help you building backlinks. This post explores five reasons a successful linking strategy is important, aside from SEO benefits.

Link Building

1. Getting a site indexed

Obviously this is the first step for SEO, but being indexed serves more than one purpose. An indexed site shows up in search results, generating more page views. If the site’s content is of sufficient quality, and updated often with fresh content, visitors will spread the word about the site. Returning visitors can become paying customers for sites that engage in eCommerce.

2. Fraternizing

Visitors tend to frequent interactive sites, and interactivity is a boon for retaining visitors who enjoy discussion or debate. Some visitors wish to experience content and keep their opinions about that content to themselves, but many more are decidedly social creatures for whom expression is a must. Giving visitors the chance to interact with each other as they would face to face is a good way to generate buzz about a site, have visitors become site members, and have those members invite other visitors to join.

3. “Do-follow” and “No-Follow”

“Do-follow” blogs, as opposed to “no-follow” blogs, generate more traffic. The “do-follow” blogs encourage visitors to leave a URL or two within their comments. Allowing visitors to post links to outside content directly results in greater visibility to such a site. Search engines are blind to content quality; they navigate via links. While true that having more links increases site visibility to the public at large, remember that quality links are vastly more important than the quantity of links. Moderation of links left by visitors is a good idea, as trolls will link to websites of questionable nature given the chance, and that can turn away finicky visitors. The bottom line? Allowing visitors to link to resources they trust when engaging in debate or explaining themselves is a good thing.

4. Increased sales

Take a look at the highest rated eCommerce sites and you will find they allow patrons to interact with each other on some level, providing a space for discussion about products or services. They also have other aspects in common that are worth looking into. Nielson releases data on a regular basis about top websites’ conversion rates. The data is definitely worth a look.

5. Guest Post

Article submission with permanent inbound links from quality sites results in increased site traffic. Some sites get along just fine without paying the pros to implement a killer link strategy, using natural white hat tactics like article prism, link wheel, link baiting, and article submission. The latter is a guaranteed method of increasing traffic. Submitting high quality articles to high ranking sites that back link to one of your pages adds more value to your site.

Sites should be indexed, if they aren’t already, so more searchers can find them. People are social creatures and enjoy discussion, so give them the freedom to express their views. Use “do-follow” blogs so that search engine spiders will see outbound links and further increase your site’s visibility to the general public. For sites that engage in eCommerce, web masters should take a look at the Nielson data for the top sites in a certain genre to help stir ideas about what aspects of a site can be improved. Finally, article submission to quality sites is conducive to generating solid, permanent inbound links, again increasing visibility.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Avenir May 6, 2011 at 6:11 pm

It increases the number of inbound links into a web site or cross-linking within a web site in order to increase that site’s placement in the search engine rankings for specific keywords.


SEO Services May 6, 2011 at 6:15 pm

Link Building is done to create backlinks to a web site. Search engine also ranks a site based on the number of backlinks it has and thus link building is done and it is one among the SEO Services offered by the SEO Company.



Vivian May 7, 2011 at 12:22 pm

All five points are true and obviously work.


seo May 10, 2011 at 5:15 pm

I think it is worth thinking ! link popularity is the most important aspect of SEO. All five points are true and obviously work. Great job!


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