6 Ways Windows Has Improved Computing

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in Microsoft

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Microsoft Windows is a product that everyone seems to take pleasure in hating. Comments like ‘It’s trying to do too much!’ or ‘It takes too long to load…’ are commonly heard when considering Microsoft Windows products. Whilst no one will try to defend the failure of Windows Vista, the simple truth is that Windows just does more than other operating systems.

Microsoft Windows may not have a single, outstanding ‘wow factor’ feature but it is just simply better, as is demonstrated by the fact that it is the world’s bestselling operating system, still. Windows has defined what personal computing actually means over the past 15 years and with unveiling of Windows 8 (due out in 2012) it has continued the trend. This article will consider some of the things Windows has done for you without you even bothering to notice.

Microsoft Windows 7

1. It works on a vast range of computers

To this day, there are more PCs than there are Macs and this is for the simple reason that Windows just works on a huge range of systems. Originally MS-DOS worked on any IBM-Compatible system and it is this simple fact that created the PC market in the first place.

The new Windows OS is broadening this gap even further by being compatible with ARM processors. ARM is used to run almost every smart phone in the world and is even found in the iPad 2. What this really means is that the new Windows OS will work on practically anything you want to install it on.

2. The App Store is ready

Microsoft has always had a good relationship with developers and it continued this by offering incentives to companies for developing Apps in anticipation of the launch of the new OS. There is a plethora of Apps ready to download and they load almost instantly on the new system.

3. Progressive compatibility

One thing that Microsoft really should be praised for is its ability for progressive compatibility. In almost all cases it is possible to continue using older versions of Windows alongside the newer versions of the software. This enables businesses and individuals to work together despite vast differences in terms of the software they are using.

This practice has made it difficult for Microsoft to develop new software because they are constantly pandering to a legacy of code which has to be contained within the new software. The benefit, however, is that they have connected the world through old and new technology alike.

4. Plug it in and it’ll work

Anyone born in the 90’s onwards will just expect something to work if they plug it into their computer. This was not always the case but Microsoft solved the problem in 1995. It was not perfect at first but their ‘Plug and Play’ technology is integrated into every piece of hardware and software now.

5. Integrated Media

In 1991 Microsoft integrated the first Media Player, enabling users to listen to music and watch videos without the installation of any further software. Playback has become more and more important over the years and the floodgates for this accessibility came because of Microsoft’s early developments.

What’s next?

Elements such as easy internet access, search functions, and an ability to dismantle and replace parts, are all further developments for which we have to thank Microsoft. The real question, however, is what comes next?  The answer comes in the form of a Windows 8 Download now available in a pre-beta testing format. The new Windows OS has blurred the boundaries of technology and opened new levels of compatibility. Whether you install it on a laptop, tablet or desktop, you will be amazed by all the latest developments Windows OS has to offer.

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