8 Great Ideas for Blog Contest Prizes

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in Contests

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Nowadays, many people are running blog contests as a strategy for increasing traffic to their blogs. One of the main considerations when setting up a blog contest is what kind of prizes to offer.

Blog Contest Prize

The following are some great ideas for blog contest prizes.

1. Services or products from companies

At times, a company might contact you and ask for a product review. In such a case, take the opportunity to ask for a sample which can be given away as a blog contest prize. You could also consider getting in touch with companies which offer products your readers would appreciate, and request for a sample. Make sure you offer your blog traffic statistics to show how the company will benefit in terms of brand exposure and promotion.

2. Products related to your blog

Think of the many different prizes you could give away that are related to your blog’s niche. The more valuable the prize, the more traffic and buzz it will generate. However, the prizes don’t have to be expensive or large to capture the readers’ attention.

3.  Your expertise

Do you possess any skill, talent or knowledge in areas such as blog design, consulting, blog reviewing, speaking or copywriting? You could consider offering such services as blog contest giveaways.

4. Books

Numerous books have been written about a wide range of subjects which your readers would be interested in. Therefore, a book relevant to your blog would make a great blog contest prize.

5. Electronic gift certificates

Many people would love to win cash and spend it at their discretion. Therefore, a gift certificate would be ideal as a blog contest prize. Since the prize is sent directly to the winner, you don’t have to incur any shipping charges.

6. Money

Blog contest which offer monetary rewards are usually very popular. To avoid sending money orders or personal checks, you could consider paying the winner through online systems such as PayPal. Make sure your original post explains how the prize will be sent. Winners should be ready to incur charges when accepting and receiving the prize.

7. Advertising on your blog

If your blog has a good number of subscribers and attracts significant traffic, you could offer free advertising as a blog contest prize. Most website owners and bloggers would be very interested in such an offer.

8. Guest posts

If your blog receives a lot of traffic every month, you could consider offering guest posts as prizes for your blog contest. By having a guest post published on your blog, the winner gets the chance to drive significant traffic to their own blog.

Author Bio

Charles Mburugu writes for TechBlogKe, a technology blog which covers topics such as social media, blogging, making money online, web development and SEO.

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