Disadvantages of Buying Backlinks

by Mahesh Kukreja · 2 comments

in Link Building

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One of the most important aspects of SEO is backlinks. Backlinks not only help your website to rank high in search engines, but also help to drive targeted traffic to your blog or site. Given that search engines like Google and Bing utilize the amount of backlinks in addition to the significance of the backlinks used in a blog or site as a way of ranking a site, learning the proper application of backlinks can be a plus for your blog or site.

Backlinks and keyword optimization usually go hand-in-hand. Therefore, these are the fundamental skills that all webmasters ought to perfect in order for their blogs or sites to be popular. Because of increased competition, new blog and site owners have been finding it increasingly hard to find reputable backlinks. Consequently, most new blog or site owners often resort to buying backlinks. Through this approach, one can purchase hundreds of backlinks in order to rank high in search engines. However, is this really the best method to use to drive traffic to your blog or site?

The Cons of Buying Backlinks

Buy Backlinks

One of the most commonly asked questions in the world of SEO is “What are the disadvantages of paid link building for your blog?” Paid link building seems to be the best choice over accumulating the links by yourself from scratch. According to Google, using paid backlinks in your blog or site has major disadvantages. The leading search engine has made pretty clear that it does not favor paid backlinks. This can be demonstrated by the number of sites that were downgraded by Google Panda that were using paid links.

How Backlinks Are Used


Basically, backlinks are used to establish the status of a blog or site. Unfortunately, paid backlinks hardly take into consideration the superiority of the links. Google utilizes search algorithms that utilize confidence alongside the significance of a certain site in order to establish its position in all search engine tables. In a nutshell, paid backlinks are means through which webmasters use to influence Google’s ranking systems that defy terms of application.

What are the Consequences?

What are the consequences of using paid backlinks on your blog or e-commerce site? Should you opt to utilize backlinks that you have to pay for; Google will instantly flag your blog or e-commerce site. This in turn deters it from being listed amongst the sites returned by Google. At this instance, the quality of your blog or site content is not of importance. Once Google discovers that your blog or site is using paid backlinks, it will be flagged automatically. What this means is the eventual death of a blog or site that you have worked so hard to build.

Nevertheless, this does not in any way deter you from making use of link exchange rule. It simply means that you should be cautious when it comes to buying of backlinks as a way of boosting your ranking in search Google. Then again, if you are going to opt for link exchange, ensure that the links have been obtained from a reputable site.

Author Bio

Kady Babs is a Certified Professional and freelance writer. At present attached with Test4Prep. This is Best Source for 117-202 Exams. You can try free demos of certifications with 100% Risk Free and Guaranteed. Babs has creative writing skills and helping people to get certified on first try.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jake Cameron September 2, 2012 at 8:13 pm

If i want to learn some thing from here then your harmful job will successful. So, we’ve need to some thing. Also I’ll try to improve myself. Thanks for sharing.


Grant Talon September 10, 2012 at 3:28 pm

I am a new about this buying backlinks. So, Your post is so useful to me I think also to all. I like your article very much because its importance. Thanks for your awesome sharing.


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