Finding Your Voice as a Blogger

by Mahesh Kukreja · 1 comment

in Blogging Tips, Tricks

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Starting out as a blogger can be intimidating. There are millions of other blogs out there — many of them very successful and well known already — so how can you stand out? What can you possibly have to say that hasn’t already been said? Well, that all depends on you. Every blogger is unique. Developing your own voice is what makes your blog special, and it’s what will keep your readers coming back.

I Blog therefore I am

Now, how do you find your own voice?

Write What You Care About

If you don’t care about your subject, you won’t have anything interesting to say about it, and your writing will become labored and stilted. Think about it: When you talk about the things you love, the words flow. You have an opinion. You are energized by what you’re saying. It’s easy to be yourself and to clearly convey your ideas. This is the kind of energy and focus you want in your writing.

Write the Way You Talk

Don’t get wrapped up in formal rules of grammar or using big vocabulary to try to sound intelligent. Your writing will feel formal and will be hard to read. Using a relaxed, conversational style allows your real voice to come through in your writing. The voice in your writing should be as identifiable as the voice in your actual conversation. Are you funny in person? So should your writing be. Do you use quirky idioms or euphemisms in your speech? Use them in your writing. Just be yourself, and your writing will reflect your individual style.

Be Bold

Don’t hold back your opinions. Don’t worry about whether or not you’ll offend someone, or whether or not people will agree with what you have to say. Let your writing reflect who you are and what you think, including your beliefs and your opinions. Writing that is bold and takes a stand often elicits the strongest responses, which is great when you’re trying to build readership. Don’t be afraid that people will disagree with you. You should want them to disagree with you, so that they will want to engage you more.

Write as if No One Were Reading

Do you keep a journal? Look at those entries. There is your authentic voice. It is the writing you do when you’re the only one reading. It is the most honest, and it is the most true to your personality. This is the kind of writing you should strive for in your blog. That doesn’t mean that you have to bare your soul or share too much personal information on your blog. However, readers can identify honest writing, and they respond to it. So stop thinking about what others will think, and just write what you really think and feel.

Write, Write, Write

Finally, the best way to become a better writer and to develop your own voice is just to keep writing. The more you write, the more comfortable you will be with your own style and the easier the words will come.

About the Author:

Alexis Bonari is a freelance writer and researcher for College Scholarships, where recently she’s been researching weird scholarships while preparing a guide on graphics scholarships. In her spare time, she enjoys square-foot gardening, swimming, and avoiding her laptop.

[Image Source: Flickr]

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Sus May 5, 2011 at 6:29 am

I couldn’t agree more! This is so true. Blogs are extension of yourself, therefore you can’t put in there something that isn’t you!


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