How To Get the new Facebook Profile Design

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in Facebook

Facebook has introduced new Profile Design. It is much improved and will be available to all the users by next year!

The new design has a much cleaner look, with a quick overview of basic information such as where you’re from, where you went to school and where you work etc., a featured friends lists which highlights the friends who are more important to you, improved interests and activities info with relevant pictures, and infinite scrolling lists to photos and friends pages.

Facebook will be rolling out this design to all users until next year! If you want to try it now, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on the green-colored “Get the New Profile” button found on the top right-hand side corner of the page.

Step 3: That’s it! You should now see the new Facebook profile design!

New Facebook Design

And here’s a video demo about the new Facebook Profile Design:

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