How to Identify a Broadband Internet Connection

by Mahesh Kukreja · 2 comments

in Computer Tricks, Webmaster Tutorials

If you begin to ask people what a broadband internet is they will start giving you various definitions but the reality is that a large percentage of the internet connection type people refer to as “broadband” is not really a broadband internet. An internet connection is not a broadband internet because people tag it so or because people believe it to be so; there are some unique features that distinguish a broadband internet from other forms of internet connection and this post will be giving you some.

It is Nothing Short of Speed

In some developing countries you will see people calling some forms of internet connections broadband yet most of these “broadband” connections are as slow as a snail. If an internet connection is taking minutes to load a simple webpage it cannot be classified as a broadband internet.

The number one characteristic of a broadband internet is the “great” speed it offers and that is what distinguishes it from every other form of internet connection. A broadband internet should be capable of doing a lot of things as far as speed is concerned; it should be able to load websites at the blink of an eye, it should be able to watch online videos uninterruptedly and it should be able to do anything a fast internet can do – this alone explains why the speed standard for every form of broadband internet is in the megabytes per seconds.

If an internet connection is not fast, it simply is not broadband.

It is an Epitome of Consistency

Another great thing about a broadband internet connection is that it is a perfect example of consistency. A real broadband internet is highly predictable and consistent and, with it, you’re always sure of the quality of service you will get.

A broadband internet connection doesn’t fluctuate but is strictly up to standard. If the signal strength and speed of a particular form of internet connection keeps on fluctuating for a long period of time it is definitely not a broadband internet.

The technology on which “broadband” is based is very powerful and proven so you should be very sure of the consistency you will get. The only form of broadband internet that is slightly inconsistent is the wireless broadband internet and that is often due to obstacles and other external conditions but, overall, the broadband technology is a perfect example of consistency; both in speed and quality of service offered.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Sumeet Kukreja February 7, 2011 at 6:44 pm

Thanks For Info Bro,
When people ask me which connection do you have so usually i reply “Broad Band (Till Yesterday ). If someone ask me today so i will say i have DSL connection instead of “Broadband” connection.
(My ISP has given the Name “Broadband” to the Connection i am using but it is not too fast)
And sorry if i have grammar problems in My comment


Dana May 24, 2011 at 12:04 pm

Broadband is surely about access speed. If it is slow. it is surely not a broadband connection.


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