6 Apps Every Blogger Should Have on their iPhone or iPad

by Mahesh Kukreja April 29, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. If you own or maintain your own blog, you may not be aware of the fact that there could be an iPhone or iPad app out there that could help you improve how you conduct your day-to-day […]

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Apple Launches iPad 2 in India

by Mahesh Kukreja April 29, 2011

Apple launched the first generation iPad in January 2011 in India. And just about a month later, Apple announced the iPad 2. Initially, iPad 2 was launched in fewer countries. Today, Apple launched iPad 2 in 13 more countries including India. Apple press release has confirmed that iPad 2 will be available in Hong Kong, […]

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The New Google

by Mahesh Kukreja April 28, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. Faster, smarter, and more able to leap profit margins in a single bound; look up in the cloud, its Google! This would be the image that Larry Page, one of the co-founders of Google Inc. and its […]

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Web Hosting Tips to Integrate Email Hosting Services

by Mahesh Kukreja April 27, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. There are two types of webmasters who are in need of good web hosting service providers. In the first type, they build the website first and find the hosting company afterwards to host their site. Whereas second […]

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Download ipswDownloader for MAC / Windows

by Mahesh Kukreja April 27, 2011

Vitaly Parovishnik has developed ipswDownloader for Apple MAC. It fetches the ipsw files directly from Apple’s servers. The program not only downloads the IPSW firmware file for you, but also displays whether the firmware you’ve selected can be jailbroken and unlocked, along with the size of the IPSW and the tools available to jailbreak the […]

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Five Great Benefits Of Cable Internet Network

by Mahesh Kukreja April 25, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. It is a fact which we all know and it’s no more new to us that cable internet is better than a dial up internet connection. In many ways, we’ve seen the defects of dial up internet […]

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Web Hosting Tips to Host Your Forums

by Mahesh Kukreja April 24, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. With changing times there is change in the mass appeal and marketing strategy of the products rather than sending on printed ads most of the companies like to spend on online ads substituting social networking sites and […]

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How To Make Money on the Internet – Back to Basics

by Mahesh Kukreja April 24, 2011

I have been thinking to write this post from a couple of days, but I didn’t have much time to compile all the basic ways to make money online. Today it’s Sunday and I got couple of hours, so I am writing this post. This post is basically for newbies who come on the Internet […]

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Apple “iPhone 4S” will be the Next Generation iPhone

by Mahesh Kukreja April 23, 2011

Apple is rumored to send prototype “iPhone 4S” handsets to select Game developers. This prototype handset is supposed to be loaded with Apple’s A5 processor which runs the iPad 2. Folks at 9to5Mac have confirmed that Apple is deploying iPhone 4S to Game developers. This tells us that Apple will be focusing on Games in […]

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Web Hosting Tips for New Bloggers

by Mahesh Kukreja April 21, 2011

With increased internet users, people are trying to make their presence on this World Wide Web in one or the other way. With blogging creating a platform for millions of writers who want to share their feeling amongst the internet, fraternities and different communities are scribbling something which can be of importance or not. There […]

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Rebel Micro Sim for iPhone 4 in Action, Doesn’t Require to Dial 112

by Mahesh Kukreja April 20, 2011

Around 20 days ago, I blogged about Rebel Micro Sim for unlocking iPhone 4. It was supposed to launch on 6th April, but was delayed due to unknown reasons. Update: Please read this Rebel Micro Sim for iPhone 4 – Complete Review Now a couple of hours ago, a video demo showing Rebel Micro Sim […]

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Sn0wbreeze 2.6 Released to Untether Jailbreak iOS 4.3.2

by Mahesh Kukreja April 19, 2011

Earlier today, I blogged about Redsn0w 0.9.6rc14 being released to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2 untethered. Now, @ih8sn0w has also updated Sn0wbreeze for Windows to version 2.6. Sn0wbreeze and Pwnage Tool help you to preserve iPhone baseband and update your de vice to the latest Apple iOS. The 4.3.2 untether works on all iDevices that actually support […]

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