[Updated] [How To] Identify Fake GEVEY Sims & Avoid Getting Scammed

by Mahesh Kukreja April 19, 2011

Ever since I unlocked my iPhone 4 using GEVEY Sim, I was facing battery drainage problems and also the area around the sim slot was getting over-heated. I thought my battery drain was due to iOS problems or over-usage. Today I was going through Yahoo! Answers and found this question. I found the answer posted […]

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Redsn0w updated to untether iOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak, Sn0wbreeze 2.6 coming Very Soon!

by Mahesh Kukreja April 19, 2011

Redsn0w 0.9.6rc14 has been released for Mac & Windows to give untethered jailbreak for iDevices on iOS 4.3.2. Apple released iOS 4.3.2 a few days back to fix Wi-fi issues on iPad. Hopefully, it did not patch i0n1c’s kernel exploit. i0n1c just had to generate new kernel payload to apply the untethered jailbreak. The 4.3.2 […]

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[Update: No] GEVEY Pro is Untethered, Doesn’t Need to Repeat 112 Process After Reboot

by Mahesh Kukreja April 16, 2011

Update: The news is not yet exactly confirmed. GEVEY Pro may just be is just an upgraded version which fixes bugs, and provides new packaging to curb the GEVEY clones. Here is the image showing the proof: The reply says “Everything is same”, meaning GEVEY Pro requires you to repeat the 112 process everytime the […]

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Namecheap.com Coupon Codes for April 2011

by Mahesh Kukreja April 16, 2011

Namecheap.com is offering discounted domain & hosting registrations. Here are the coupon codes: Coupon code ELEPHANTS will give you a discount new com/net/org/us/biz domain purchases Coupon code VPSX gives you 10% off your first month of VPS web hosting Coupon code HOSTU gives you 10% off your first month shared/business/reseller hosting Namecheap is also offering […]

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ApplenBerry launches GEVEY Pro, Slashes Price to $50 [Update: $35]

by Mahesh Kukreja April 16, 2011

ApplenBerry.com, the official distributor of GEVEY Sims for iPhone 4, has recently announced the availability of GEVEY Pro, the successor to the original GEVEY Sim. Good news is that the prices have been slashed down to $50 $35. The original GEVEY sim was available for $75. Here are the GEVEY Pro features: More Stable Minor […]

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How To Become The Best Web Hosting Provider Company

by Mahesh Kukreja April 13, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. Every website needs a hosting service to host the site and also to stay visible to rest of the world. Literally they provide the information about hardware, bandwidth and software. Now-a-day’s web hosting is of great demand. […]

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[How To] Fix One Signal Bar Issue on iOS 4, iOS 5 & iOS 5.0.1

by Mahesh Kukreja April 12, 2011

There are some issues with jailbroken iOS 4.x.x & iOS 5.0.1 iPhones. The iPhone shows just a single signal bar. I recently unlocked my iPhone 4 with GEVEY and I also saw only 1 signal bar. Here’s how it looked: So, I opened up Cydia, looked up for ultrasn0w 1.2.1 and installed it. And now […]

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GEVEY Sim Working on IDEA Network in India

by Mahesh Kukreja April 12, 2011

I received GEVEY sim for my iPhone 4 just a couple of hours ago. I had to make 4-5 attempts to make 112 exploit work with my iPhone 4. It was a fun experience. I got GEVEY sim for Rs. 3000 or about $67 from @iServiceIndia (on Twitter). The shipping was also quick. If you […]

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GEVEY 112 Exploit works on iPhone 3GS Baseband 05.16.02 as well

by Mahesh Kukreja April 10, 2011

GEVEY Sim for iPhone 4 is available for more than 20 days now. Impatient iPhone 4 users can now buy GEVEY for about $60 and free their iPhone 4 basebands, including 02.10.04, 03.10.01 and 04.10.01.. Dill Huang, who has been trying to make a programmable 112 exploit for iPhone 4 users has revealed that the […]

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[How To] Jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 while Preserving Older Baseband with Sn0wbreeze 2.5

by Mahesh Kukreja April 5, 2011

Yesterday iPhone Dev Team released updated versions of Pwnage Tool and redsn0w to give untethered jailbreak to iDevices. Ih8sn0w has released Sn0wbreeze 2.5 which helps you to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 and also preserve the baseband on Windows OS. For MAC, Pwnage Tool is already available.. My iPhone 4 was on iOS 4.1. I used Sn0wbreeze […]

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PwnageTool and Redsn0w released to untether jailbreak iOS 4.3.1

by Mahesh Kukreja April 4, 2011

Sunday us surely a Funday! iPhone Dev Team has released updated versions of PwnageTool and Redsn0w which give untethered jailbreak for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad 1 on iOS 4.3.1. The release also jailbreaks Apple TV on iOS 4.3.1. But iPad 2 is not supported yet. Comex is still working on a solution to […]

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Dill Huang has posted an Unofficial but Excellent GEVEY FAQ

by Mahesh Kukreja April 3, 2011

Dill Huang (@DillADH) has posted an excellent FAQ for GEVEY Sim. This FAQ is for the current GEVEY users who are facing problems like No Sim error, Data Roaming, Caller ID, Data Connection Drops, etc.. This FAQ will also be helpful for users who want to buy GEVEY Sim in the future. Q: I get […]

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