Namecheap is offering $4.99 Domain Transfers – Only for 24 hours [Updated]

by Mahesh Kukreja March 31, 2011

Update: The Coupon is valid till 4/4/11 11:59pm EST. is offering domain transfers for $4.99 only. The offer is limited to 10 domains per user and is valid for all com/net/org domains. The coupon code is BYEBYEGD. This is a good offer for those who want to transfer their domains on Namecheap. The price […]

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Rebel Micro Sim to Unlock iPhone 4 is Coming Soon

by Mahesh Kukreja March 31, 2011

Update: Rebel Micro Sim for iPhone 4 in Action, Doesn’t Require to Dial 112 Another good news for iPhone 4 unlockers. After GEVEY Sim, now Rebel Micro Sim is coming to unlock iPhone 4 on basebands 02.10.04, 03.10.01 and 04.10.01 on iOS 4.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3 respectively. The GEVEY Sim uses the method to call […]

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Gearing Your Business to the Top

by Mahesh Kukreja March 30, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. Every small/large business wants to bring success in it’s marketing plans. Marketing gives the right tools to earn bigger and better. It is through marketing that a company or a business brings a recall on every client. […]

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Amazon Beats Apple & Google to Cloud Music Service

by Mahesh Kukreja March 29, 2011

Last year, Google talked about the Google Music service. Apple is also rumored to be working on Cloud based service which it will be announcing with the release of Apple iOS 5 later this year. But Amazon has beaten both of these Tech Tycoons with the launch of Amazon Cloud Music Service. Amazon has announced […]

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Cydia v1.1 Released with Major Speed Improvements

by Mahesh Kukreja March 26, 2011

Jay Freeman, a.k.a. Saurik has updated Cydia to version 1.1. This is a major update to Cydia. This version is slimmer, faster and more stable than the earlier version. Support to multi-tasking has been made much better. This helps to run the application in background. It means that you can now resume from the same […]

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Apple Releases iOS 4.3.1 to fix some issues in iOS 4.3

by Mahesh Kukreja March 26, 2011

Apple has released iOS 4.3.1. Apple has made several minor fixes and improvements to the iOS 4.3. The build number is 8G4. It fixes a graphics glitch for the 4th-gen iPod Touch and some issues with connecting to cellular networks. [Image Credit: BGR] The update is available for GSM iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1 […]

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3 Ways To Buy GEVEY Sim in India

by Mahesh Kukreja March 24, 2011

GEVEY Sim is available for a couple of days now. GEVEY is confirmed to work with iPhone 4 on basebands 02.10.04 on iOS 4.1, 03.10.01 on iOS 4.2.1 and also the latest iOS 4.3 with baseband 04.10.01. Also, GEVEY Pro was released some time back which has some minor updates and is compatible with more […]

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Will GEVEY Sim for iPhone 4 Work in India? Probably “YES!”

by Mahesh Kukreja March 17, 2011

Yesterday, I wrote about GEVEY Team working on iPhone 4 Hardware unlock solution. I also posted a video showing the demo of GEVEY Sim in action. The method that this sim uses is the Man-In-The-Middle Attack, as the sim imposes as a Sim Interposer. [Read more about the details here] The post in the above […]

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GEVEY Turbo Sim: New Hope for iPhone 4 Unlock?

by Mahesh Kukreja March 16, 2011

A team from China, GeveyTeam, has demonstrated a video showing Chinese telecom operator’s SIM working on the locked basebands, 02.10.04 and 03.10.01 of iPhone 4. The iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1 and 4.2.1 is locked for a long time now, and recently @MuscleNerd confirmed that the iPhone Dev Team doesn’t have any working exploit for […]

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How Can Social Media Improve Your Business and ROI?

by Mahesh Kukreja March 15, 2011

This is a guest post! If you want to write for us, Contact using the Contact Me form. Social media is offering support to craft a new era in the business engagement and transparency, building up both new opportunities and challenges. Time has gone when the organizations could trust on flashy ad campaigns or carefully […]

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Google releases a Person Finder Tool after Japanese Tsunami

by Mahesh Kukreja March 11, 2011

A major Tsunami hit the Northeastern coast of Japan earlier today. This is a drastic situation for the Japanese people. Google, the major search giant, has released a new app, Person Finder Tool which will help Japanese people to locate their friends or family members if they are missing. The app is available in English, […]

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iOS 4.3 Untethered Jailbreak – Demo Video

by Mahesh Kukreja March 11, 2011

Within just 24 hours of release of iOS 4.3 by Apple, i0nic, has successfully ported his untethered jailbreak exploit on the 1st generation iPad. He has showed a demo video of the jailbreak on the iPad and with iOS 4.3 installed. Also, Cydia is running on the iPad. Apple has added ASLR (Address Space Layout […]

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