Google PageRank Update – January 2011

by Mahesh Kukreja January 22, 2011

After major PageRank update in April 2010, Google has updated PageRank for all major websites this month. My blog has the same PageRank as before, i.e. 3. Did your site/blog had a change in the PageRank? You can comment below to share your views. Here are a few posts that will help you to build […]

Read the full article → lists best Web Hosting plan for you

by Mahesh Kukreja January 17, 2011

Before creating a website, you need to consider two main things: 1. Domain Name 2. Web Hosting Getting a good domain name and an affordable hosting is the priority of any webmaster. Finding a good domain name registrar is easy. There are a couple of reputed domain registrars providing good domain name service. In case […]

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Firefox 4 to be shipped by end of February 2011

by Mahesh Kukreja January 13, 2011

Mozilla dev team member, Damon, has made a note to the developers and beta testers of Firefox 4, indicating that the final version of Firefox 4 will be released by the end of February 2011. The first release candidate will be released in early February. Damon has urged the developers and testers to report as […]

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iPad 2 & iPhone 5 will no longer have a Home button?

by Mahesh Kukreja January 13, 2011

People at Boy Genius Report have been getting information from their Apple sources that the next generation iPad 2 and iPhone 5 will be without a home button. This sounds pretty weird. But, maybe that’s true, because Apple has included Multi-touch gestures feature in the beta release of iOS 4.3. We just got some pretty […]

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Apple seeds iOS 4.3 Beta to Developers

by Mahesh Kukreja January 13, 2011

Apple has recently announced Verizon iPhone. This iPhone will be featuring iOS 4.2.5 according to the news. Apple will release iOS 4.3 for other iDevices (iPad, iPhone 4, etc). This version of iOS has many new features like multi-touch gestures, personal hot-spot, new camera features, etc. The build version of iOS 4.3 beta is 8F5148b. […]

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How To: Use QR Codes for Marketing

by Mahesh Kukreja January 7, 2011

Many people out there don’t have good idea about QR codes. So, firstly, I’m going to tell about what are QR codes and how can they be scanned and generated. If you already know this, you can skip to the latter part of the post, where I tell about uses of QR codes for mobile […]

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GoDaddy $1 domain coupon code: NEWYEAR11

by Mahesh Kukreja January 3, 2011

This New Year, GoDaddy is offering domain name registrations for $1.49 ($1.67 including the ICANN fees). So, if you want to start your blog/website this new year, it’s perfect time to register with GoDaddy! The offer is valid only for users with Credit Card. If you have Paypal with credit card attached, you can use […]

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Winners for $1000 Blogging contest at WPPluginsBlog announced! I’m the 1st..

by Mahesh Kukreja January 3, 2011

Last month, WPPluginsBlog held a blogging contest. Three winners were to be selected and prizes worth $1000 were to be distributed. The winners of the contest have been announced! I won the first prize in the contest, a total worth $577 😉 I won the following prizes: 1. WordPress SEO Service from = $500 […]

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Greenpois0n jailbreak tool with untethered support for iOS 4.2.1 coming soon

by Mahesh Kukreja January 3, 2011

Apple released iOS 4.2.1 in November 2010 and also Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja) tweeted that Greenpois0n would be updated within few days to support iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak. Now, a couple of hours back, @p0sixninja tweeted the following: So, I think the Greenpois0n jailbreak tool is almost ready for iOS 4.2.1. Also note, this tool will be […]

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New iPhone/iPod/iPad with 4.2.1 pre-installed can still be jailbroken

by Mahesh Kukreja January 3, 2011

All new iPhone/iPod/iPad owners might be wondering if their device with new hardware is vulnerable to exploit found by Geohot. @iphone_dev recently tweeted on Twitter that any new iPhone/iPod/iPad is still vulnerable to the exploits currently available. Here’s a How To guide to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 using redsn0w 0.9.6. And here’s a guide to jailbreak […]

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2010 Year in review: Top 4 Tablets compared

by Mahesh Kukreja December 31, 2010

It’s the last day of the year 2010. And I’ve made a post which compares 4 Tablets available out there, the Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak and BlackBerry PlayBook.. Dimensions RANKING: 1. Dell Streak | 2. Samsung Galaxy Tab | 3. BlackBerry PlayBook | 4. Apple iPad With a 5 inch screen size, […]

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WordPress 3.0.4 fixes critical security hole

by Mahesh Kukreja December 30, 2010

WordPress has been updated to version 3.0.4. This release fixes a core security bug in HTML sanitation library, called KSES. This release has been rated as “critical.” So, if you’re running WordPress, update to this latest version immediately through your WordPress Dashboard or you can download the archive from here. You can also read about […]

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