Why should you host your site on WordPress?

by Mahesh Kukreja · 2 comments

in Blogging Tips, Tricks, Webmaster Tutorials, Wordpress

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I am not going to reveal anything earthshattering. Having said that, I can assure you that you will save a pot of money and a lot of effort after reading this post. WordPress as you all know is a popular blogging platform which comes in two flavors – on-site and on-demand. The on-demand version is hosted on wordpress.com and is free. I recently had a fresh look at this offering and this is what I found –

Girl wearing WordPress T-shirt

[Photo via Flickr]

WordPress on-demand offering is much more powerful than any other free blogging platform

Here the competition is mainly with Blogger, which incidentally belongs to Google. It is an open secret that Google is trying to woo bloggers with a fully revamped Blogger, but it still falls short in many ways. The interface is still cramped and comes with numerous restrictions. WordPress on the other hand is refreshingly open and provides numerous options. I could arrange my layout and design my stuff without hindrance. I could add advertisements from channels which I liked and not restrained by conditions and rules.

Umpteen skins and themes to choose from

Another reason why I like WordPress. There are so many options that you are likely to be spoilt for choice. There are themes and themes to choose from. Another thing which I found extremely useful was the widgets. I agree that Blogger also provides for widgets but the flexibility which I found with wordpress.com was impressive. The look and feel of my blog was definitely much better.

You can host your own website for $2 per month

This factor alone clinched the deal in favor of WordPress. Here you can do away with the need to find a host for your website and negotiate separately for web space. Moreover you need not worry about security which is a big concern. You have to only pay $2 and you can host your website or blog on WordPress. In fact, this is truly on-demand offering. It’s like having the cake and eating it too. You can have a custom domain name with extension .com, .org or .net and in addition WordPress has also added .me recently. This is something one ought to look at seriously. Not only do you get a readymade blog but also get to host it in a secure environment. Those who don’t know much about technology and don’t wish to learn can take advantage of this offering. I for one would go for it anytime.

Native versions of WordPress

Blogging after all is a personal experience and you think best in your own language. WordPress is available in fifty languages and the list is expanding. This feature would be specifically interesting for bloggers who want to share their thoughts with their friends and neighbors. I like this feature because I myself use it for my personal blog.


WordPress is a powerful blogging platform which can be used by amateurs and professionals alike. With premium add-ons you can convert a blog into a full-featured website.

Author Bio

Victor Solovey is the owner of crazyxhtml, where they do crazy stuff including ‘psd to html’ and ‘psd to css’ conversion. Victor is passionate about his work and also likes to write.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Rohit September 28, 2011 at 6:11 pm

I have extensive experience in hosting websites on various popular blogging software including Drupal, wordpress , joomla . Drupal has a steep learning curve and I would not recomment Drupal for a personal website . Drupal is awesome for community driven websites . Wordpress is easiest and probably most used blogging tool.


Alexander October 4, 2011 at 12:55 pm

Interesting post!! I really like this site, and hope you will write more, thanks for your information.


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